Monday, December 27, 2010

End of the Year

I bet you can't believe you are actually seeing a blog from me! Amazing huh!?! Well lets see, this makes my 3rd blog for the entire year. Not very good considering one of my new years resolutions was to blog more. In fact lets recap them:

1. Continue my schooling - That one I accomplished, in fact if you don't already know, I'll give you a little run down of it. Spring & summer semesters I continued with 3 classes, 10 credit total both ending in 4.0 GPA. This last sememster I made the decision to double major, added a class boosting me to 13 credits & was accepted into the honors program. In the honors program, I had to do an extra project/paper & have an instructor sponsor me, I chose my microbiology instructor. In the beginning of the semester she told our class about an opportunity that was truly out of this world (literally). I thought to myself what are my chances, but this may be a one time shot that I just had to try. Once accepted into the honors program, she asked me would I be interested in participating which of course I was & that became my honors project. To make this short, google SSEP (Student Science Experiment Program).

Opportunity knocked & I opened the door. Our window the little, but we did it. I met with a everyone interested, became the college student for team 1 & matched up with early college high school team members, two of them. We were one of the smallest teams. We worked hard, created our proposal, were finalists in the local panel (3 out of the 7 submitted were picked) & then all our hard work truly paid off when we won the final spot from the national panel. What does that mean? So long as no problems come up, our proposed experiment will be on board the next/last space shuttle flight. My teammates & I have already appeared on three local news channels, had an article in our local press & have been mentioned on SSEP's national blog. Prayfully everything goes to plan, as of now, we'll be present at the time of the shuttle launch (yes, NASA's Kennedy Space Center) & presenting our findings at a national conference in DC. Pretty amazing huh!?
Michelle, Jarisma & myself
2. Reduce the amount of crap we have - Certainly in the process but at the same time we moved & life has changed so its really hard to say. Old toys, items not needed & so on have left but at the same time school books & things like sports equipment have entered the home.

3. Blog more - Well that sure didn't happen!

4. I will lose 1/4 of the wt I want to lose in total - That didn't really happen either.

5. I will scrapbook more - That certainly didn't happen either:(

6. Print more photos - Nope, not really. But when you have to move unexpectedly in the year, not everything you plan on can be done.

Emma - December 2010 - 8 yrs old

Christopher - December 2010 - 7 yrs old

Matthew - December 2010 - 5.5 yrs old
7. Continue to learn about my OCD - Yup, done that:) In fact I've actually helped some others.

8. Put my needs before my friends - Definitely did that!!

9. Refresh my memory of the second language I once learned - Mmm, not so much, but really need to!

10. Organize more, in a normal & not so OCD sense, I hope - I'll say from what I did accomplish its a for sure. Some of it just goes with #7 & some of it I decided my way is just better:)

Oh & before I forget, yes, I got into a home based business, one I have always loved & was with once before. At first I told myself I'm signing up because I love the products so much but truly, our family can use the extra income when I can bring some in & neither Jesse or I has the time to go out & job where someone else makes our schedual. So PartyLite it is:) They have been in business for nearly 38 years & are the only candles I swear by. Don't like to burn, they have warmers, reeds & more to help freshen your home, car & so on.

My set up at a home based business open house. Feel free to visit my website anytime:)

Well, I think I'll stop there for now. I want to say at the top of this site there is an option that lets you follow my blog. So you aren't hopelessly checking on & off, click to follow & you should get an email when I actually DO post something. Really hoping to change that, even if my OCD knows I've missed things I wanted to post before, just so I can get something out there, even ramblings kinda like this:)