Meet SSG Jes! He is my little buddy that I cuddle with all the time. My sister Sabrina and her family had him specially made just for me. Isn't he adorable?!

They sent each of the kids their own little lovey as well. Matt got a puppy (he is saying "I see" which means he would like to see the picture you are taking, haha). Chris got a dinosaur and Emma got a kitty.

They sent each of the kids their own little lovey as well. Matt got a puppy (he is saying "I see" which means he would like to see the picture you are taking, haha). Chris got a dinosaur and Emma got a kitty.
You guys! I LOVE the stuff Aunt Sabrina sent to you! What a great bear to cuddle with, Diana. And Matthew's puppy -- it's adorable. And Christopher! A dinosaur! And Emma, your kitty is so sweet. It was very kind of Aunt Sabrina to send you guys this beautiful present! Aunt Rachel has some stuff for you guys too -- Grandpa and I are bringing it with us when we come to your house -- three weeks from now! Miss you and can't wait to see you ...
Enjoy your lovies! I love you Di and I love you too Emma, Chris and Matt. Hugs and kisses till I see you!
Hi Diana, Emma, Chris, & Matt:
You all look so happy with the cute
snuggle animals from your Aunt
Sabrina. Was a thoughtful thing to
do, and I know it helped you get
through a difficult time. You and
Jes are in our thoughts and prayers
always & all ways.
Love, mom & dad
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