Just in case anyone is wondering, I finally found one for me. You might not think it can be that big a deal but in some ways, sadly it is. Before Jesse left I had talked about how I wanted to deck out my car and all and was warned not to. Here is the reason why. Sadly, not only sometimes do military families have to be worried about being attacked by those against war and such (just because we are military, doesn't always mean we are for war, we are for freedom) but the attacks can actually come from other military. Below are 2 stickers meant to add to your car, but I have chosen to hang on my fridge. The reason, I don't want to have to get a hold of Jesse and give him the bad news that I was attacked in our home. You know, a reason the division SVU is in place.

This flag actually means a loved one is deployed.

I like all of them! The 1/2 my heart one is too sad, though :( but very appropriate. It's pretty pathetic people would attack someone with these on their vehicle ... I'm glad you are being safe and keeping these on the frig. Hugs to you and Emma, Chris and Matthew.
Great "yellow ribbons" Where did
you find them. We have a support
our troops magnet on our car.
Love you all the time.
I found the stickers in our clothing and sales store and the other in our PX. The PX had a proud parent one too if anyone ever wants me to pick it up for them. It was only like $2.50
Hi Diana: Would appreciate it much
if you could pick up one of the
proud parent stickers for us. Will
send the money. All the other $$ on
the ways to you. Please let us know
if you get it okay, Love ya.
I am so anti war and anti hate and I cant imagine anyone harming another earthling. I can hate and denounce the war, voice it and still support our men and women (including my right wing brother in law who is AF ;) so my heart is with you. I was worried about you as you had not updated here for a while. I sent you an email.
be good.
Unbelievable! I was just catching up on your posts--I think three of them were new to me--but this one just stunned me. We are all really proud to have family serving our country, and whether or not people agree with this war, I would like to think they would be grateful for those willing to lay down their lives for freedom. I'm with you: I would have wanted to deck out my car, house, kids, etc. in military memorabilia. Hang in there!
We are such supporters here in our home that it is shocking to hear of others who are not. To echo Rachel, whether or not you think the war is right or wrong shouldn't determine how you treat our soliders and their families. Without our soliders where would we be. Stay safe and hug the kids for me!
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