Yes this is waaaay behind but I still wanted to get a little bit up. They arrived on a Thursday and we went out to eat to Golden Corral (a really great restaurant).
Friday we took it easy and did stuff around the house and went to a park.
Matty can do this slide all by himself. He is just too cute to watch. The first time down, he flopped off and landed on his bottom. His remarks "Oh my butt!" then got up and to go down again.
I managed to catch on of Emma coming down a slide. Isn't it great??!!
Saturday, was a big day! We started off all going to Chris' karate class. After that, we drove to Alamogorda, NM. Once we arrived we ate a little picnic lunch. Then once we finished, we started to explore the toy train museum until it was time to ride on the little train. Once we took our train ride, we finished the tour.
Next we headed to a place called Kid's Kingdom, a giant playground. The kids had a ton of fun playing there and even made a couple of 'friends'.
We then headed to White Sands, NM to play on the dunes. Let me just tell you, they are absolutely beautiful! And you know, you would think it would be all hot with the sun beating down on you, but I guess since the sand is white, it isn't at all. I mean you step on it and it feels nice and cool, start digging down some and it just gets cooler.

Once we were done there, we headed back towards Alamogordo and had dinner then back on the road to home. It was definitely a nice fun filled day!!!
Fantastic pictures Diana. Looks like youall had a great time. You and the kids look terrific. Have a super two weeks.Love Dad and Mom Hand
NICE SHOTS, Diana! I remember Emma laughing her way down that slide sticking her foot in the air hoping one of us could capture it in a picture ... you did good! The one of Christopher coming down the slide is a wonderful one too ~ it looks like he is in a very long tunnel. I love looking back on our time with you and the little ones, all of the pictures are so fun to see again and again ... I hope to make a little book of our time together ... hugs and kisses to all!
I love those shots! The one of you and Emma is so sweet! And the one you shot of Chris coming down the slide is amazing! What fun!
Diana! How much weight have you lost? Your face looks so thin and sunshiny. The beach is at least 6-8 weeks away here-if at all. Just too busy. Have a wonderful spring in the sun.
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