Well I didn't get a post out for you on your birthday, but I still want to dedicate one special to you. We've been together a long time now and have been through a lot. We both have changed a lot along the way. I've seen you go from a scared young man, with a brand new baby to a great father. Our kids adore you and miss you so much right now. I am so happy you are the father of my children!

We each have our own faults and weakness but you really do complete me. I'm so happy you are in my life and don't know what I would do with out you. I love you more then life itself! This deployment has not been easy and I can't wait for it to be over. I long for you to hold me again, comfort me when I need it, even over the smallest of things. I just miss you so much!
These are some of my favorite pictures of us that we took the night before you went back. I have them along with the picture of us on Transmountain and at the airport in a frame on the wall next to our bed. It is what I look at every morning when I get up and at night before I go to sleep.
These are some of my favorite pictures of us that we took the night before you went back. I have them along with the picture of us on Transmountain and at the airport in a frame on the wall next to our bed. It is what I look at every morning when I get up and at night before I go to sleep.
I'm so glad we went and had our family portraits done, as well as some couple shots. This really is my favorite of us (yes I have copies for our families). You can see this one as soon as you walk in our front door.

I miss you Jesse! Stay safe and come home soon. I love you!!!!
What a wonderful post, Diana. The pictures of both of you are beautiful; the professional one is especially nice. God is so gracious to hear our prayers and answer them, isn't He? I'm so glad you had such a nice time together for Jesse's R & R. I'm so thankful that you have each other. Love you!
I love that couple shot of you two! And what a great idea to put the pictures where they can be the first thing you see in the am and the last things you see at night. Beautiful post Di! Love you!
Hi Honey:
Beautiful and heartfelt blog dedicated to your husband, Jesse.
The pictures are very nice of Jesse
and the two of you. No better words
than those directly from your heart.
In this whole big world, we're so
glad God chose you and Jesse to find
each other. What a blessing.
With all our love, mom and dad hand
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