Saturday evening Emma had her ballet recital. She was so excited and we couldn't wait to see her. She has been attending ballet class two days a week for the last 3 months.
Emma before the recital.
Emma before the recital.
And the recital begins. All the girls were dressed in pink leotards, pink tights, pink skirts (these we had to buy from the organization so they were exactly the same) and pink ballet shoes. They also had to have their hair up in a ballet bun.

See Emma in the back?! The gal on the left in the black shirt is their teacher (Mrs. Alina Smith). They danced to "Dance of the Cygnets" from Swan Lake.

The sun was shining in brightly so it is kind of hard to see her here at the end of the performance.

After everyone performed, they all came back out to take a bow.

Hi Diana: I fired up the computer just a few minutes ago hoping there would be pictures of Emma's recital ~ but I just wasn't prepared to see her so grown up in her ballet outfit and now I can't stop crying! :(
Dear Emma: You look beautiful in your ballet dress ~ so lady-like and graceful. I would have given anything to be there at your recital, just to watch you dance, just to let you know how much you are loved ...
Will you dance for me next week at my house? Just nine more days now!
Good grief! I just noticed there was a video clip, so I just watched it. Oh my, Emma! It looks like you had a lot of fun dancing with all of your friends. Good job! Grandma's heart is aching with missing you ...
I am sitting here with a big lump in my throat remembering my little girl doing her recital 30 years ago. She was a fawn in the ballet of Bambi. Time flies so fast-at least you have video to remember this first step into being artistic. Emma, you are a tiny beaufiful fairy.
Oh Diana! Emma has grown so much! She looks so cute in her ballet outfit :o)
Hope you guys are hanging in there and having a good summer!
We leave for MN this weekend and won't be home until the first weekend in August!!!!
Emma you are such a beautiful ballet dancer! I love seeing you dance and all dressed up in your ballet clothes. I love you sweetie! Thanks for sharing it with us Di! She is beautiful just like her momma!
Hi Diana and Emma: Grandpa and I just saw all the beautiful pictures
of your dance recital. You were
beautiful and danced so nice. Everyone looked so happy. Really liked the video too cause we could
hear the music and actually see your
dance movements. Great job, honey.
Say hi to Chris and Matt for us.
Love you always and all ways.
grandma and grandpa hand
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