Today we went to the John Ball Zoo with Grandpa Hand. This time without a doubt I'm going to let the pictures do the talking. We visited just about all of the park. The kids each had their favorite part too.
The Lions where Christopher's favorite.
Hands down without a doubt the stingrays are my favorite. And they ended up being Emma's too. It costs just $1 to go see and pet them. How cool is that, we can pet them! They also had little things of fish for $1 to feed them with. I got us a couple (the kids and I) and we tried.
It was a bit scary having them come eat from us but Emma was successful. With me helping hold her arm in place, the piece of fish propped up between her fingers, one lucky stingray made Emma one delighted little girl.
I tried to help Chris but he got to scared and just let the food go. I finished feeding them the rest. If you don't know what to expect it can be scary, but they have no teeth and you just feel a little sucking feeling when they pass over you and take the food.
Outside the big bird cage, you could purchase little sticks of food for just $1. So we each got one to feed the birds. They kids rather enjoyed it. Most of the birds stayed up high so I lifted Matty up to fee them.
What's that on Grandpa Hand's hat?
Why it's a bird!
I'm going to guess that this may have been his favorite.
You know, sometimes an accidental shot becomes one of the best. I was trying to get the penguin but instead got the greatest reflection of Chris and Emma watching.
The penguins were Matthew's favorite.
As we were getting set to go, a worker got suited up and dove in to clean the tank. We just had to stay to see that, well, at least them start.
Great pictures of the zoo! What a wonderful day you had seeing all of the animals! I don't know which one would have been MY favorite ... maybe the camel! :) I'm going to have to steal all of your pictures and copy them to my computer!
Had a super time with Diana and the kids at the zoo. Don't know how we ever went so long without seeing them. We're really enjoying having them here. Grandpa and Grandma Hand
Great pictorial of the JB Zoo, Diana.
I'm glad you are passing on and sharing your love of animals to Emma,
Christopher, and Matthew. Love you
all so much. We love you, Jesse, and
are very proud of you for the work
you are doing. mom hand
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