At about 2am ish November 14, we welcomed Jesse and his unit back home!

While the kids each had a sign to welcome him I decorated the house as well (and the truck windows which I do not have a picture of at this point).

Me signing the big welcome home sign for the unit. My friend Lauren came along with me and took pictures. Yup had my own personal photographer. Isn't she awesome?!

Amanda and I eagerly awaiting our husbands to land.

The kids ready to welcome daddy home (yup at 1am)!

The unit unloading from the plane.

The unit marching in off the plane.

We had to wait for about another hour or so while they checked in their weapons and such. When it was time for them to enter, the smoke rolled.

Once they were dismissed, we tracked him down and had big welcome home hugs and kisses for Jesse.

After, we went outside to get all his bags. This was taken before we went to get his duffel bag (yes one more to add). Once we got over to the duffel bags, there were guys there to help locate them. When they located Jesse's bag, Jesse went to grab it and wouldn't you know, they carried it, along with the ones he was already carrying out for us. So since Jesse no longer had bags to carry, he carried his boys instead:)

Welcome home Hero!!!!!
Me signing the big welcome home sign for the unit. My friend Lauren came along with me and took pictures. Yup had my own personal photographer. Isn't she awesome?!
Amanda and I eagerly awaiting our husbands to land.
The kids ready to welcome daddy home (yup at 1am)!
The unit unloading from the plane.
The unit marching in off the plane.
We had to wait for about another hour or so while they checked in their weapons and such. When it was time for them to enter, the smoke rolled.
Once they were dismissed, we tracked him down and had big welcome home hugs and kisses for Jesse.
After, we went outside to get all his bags. This was taken before we went to get his duffel bag (yes one more to add). Once we got over to the duffel bags, there were guys there to help locate them. When they located Jesse's bag, Jesse went to grab it and wouldn't you know, they carried it, along with the ones he was already carrying out for us. So since Jesse no longer had bags to carry, he carried his boys instead:)
Welcome home Hero!!!!!
Welcome Home Jesse!
Job well done.
I'm so happy for your family! I cannot imagine what a relief and delight this is for you Diana! I got goosebumps just thinking about watching all the soldiers emerge from the smoke. HOORAY for the end of this deployment!
Good job posting this, Diana ... it was like being right there with you guys ~ thanks so much. I can't look at this pictures without crying. Beautiful.
Welcome Home Jesse! I am so happy for all of you to have Jesse back in your arms again! Thanks for posting all the pictures- it was so good to see the big smiles on everyones faces as they welcomed home daddy! Enjoy your time with him and give him a huge hug from me!
Permanently? Home for forever? I have been thinking of you the last few days a lot. I started another kitchen candle this week (that is the fourth one now) and this one was not staying lit and I almost burned the stove up by flinging a recipe and forgetting I had a candle there-oooppps). Now feed that man and unskinny him up a bit.
Happy Thanksgiving. Now to get all the men and women home for good.One plane at a time.
Fantastic!!!!!!! All our prayers for
God to bring you home safely, Jes, to your family have been answered.
So proud of you. Savor this time
with Diana and your children. The
pictures of your homecoming are terrific, Diana, your photographer
did a great job. Thanks for sharing this precious moment with us.
all our love, mom, dad and David
We're glad that you're home safe and sound!
~Adam & Emily
congratulations on your soldiers homecoming!
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