Ok, so that is a very delayed statement. But since the picture I'm sharing is of the kids on Easter morning I figured I just had to titled that way.

Just a little update on some of what is going on here. Jesse, is finally, cross your fingers, having his appt with Ortho on Monday. Please pray we will get some good news. Whether it be he can have a permanent profile and still be able to stay in the army, or that he can have surgery. If it is the surgery option, that the surgeon will actually have the wisdom to preform it correctly.
Emma is still having a bit of trouble with reading. Both her teacher and I work closely with her helping her along and hopefully, I know she has it in her, she will be able to pass on to second grade, without going to summer school.
Christopher continues to do well in school and is 100% boy. Matthew of course just had his 4th birthday and is back on the band wagon with potty training. Crossing fingers, he seems to want to do it, every day. This past week the only time he has worn his pull ups were at night in case. After all, if you ask him, he is a big boy now. And as for me, I am officially enrolled in the community college here. Working on studying little bits here and there to get ready to take my placement test so I can work towards getting accepted into their RN program.
That's all for now. I know I don't update as often as I like so I'll try to do it more often, even if it is just little tiny posts with updates and or pictures.
Diana-did I miss something? what happened to Jesse? I have been kinda out of it since Hub retired at Halloween and with all the GM stuff going on and pensions in question etc. Fill me in if you get some time.
my oh my those kids are gorgeous.
Hi Diana: The picture of Emma, Chris, and Matt, is beautiful. We had a nice but chilly Easter Day here. Of course our prayers are with
all of you as you each face individual challenges and as a family. Know that our hearts are with you all, all the time. I guess
you will have to explain what a permanent profile is. I can't understand why Jesse can't have the
surgery and still be in the army.
Way to go Matt on being big boy.
And Emma, I know you and momma are
working hard on reading and we are
proud of you. Chris, you keep up
the good work at school. Diana,
check with the office giving the
test you will be taking to see if
there is something you can study at
Hi Diana! This is a very nice picture of the kiddos! We'll pray about each of these requests ... having worked for ortho surgeons all of those years, the kind of tear Jesse describes in his knee is the kind for which they did their most successful surgeries and rehab. And Emma's reading ... I've heard her do a real good job with her reading homework ~ it takes a lot of your time to read with her every day after she comes home from school ~ if you ever need a break, just dial us up and we'd be glad to listen to her read; or we could SKYPE too. My friend (Karen)SKYPES with her grandson (age 4) out in Portland, Oregon and she basically reads lots of his favorite books to him over the internet that way ... they have a really good time doing it.
Thanks for this update! :)
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