Thursday, May 31, 2007

Getting Pinned

I know I have a lot to catch up on but I wanted to get this one out right away. Today Jesse got pinned. What does that mean you ask.....well, Jesse got his E2 rank back on May 1, but wasn't able to wear his rank until he was pinned. Today was the pinning ceremony where everyone in the unit that was getting promoted was pinned. Jesse's rank will actually be active as they state it, June 1.

All the promotables all lined up
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Marching to the front
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Standing at attention in front
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They allowed me to pin him
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Marching off to join their squad
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Jesse's Squad
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The kids enjoyed seeing their daddy at work. They even shouted out with all the soldiers. They were able to see what their dad will be driving too.

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The trailer it pulls
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Our kids falling in (no not really, just trying to stand on the others shadow)
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Jesse was dismissed and we all went back home to have breakfast (again). If we had known he would be dismissed we would have all gone in one car. Oh well. Leaving a fueler came in. Of course the kids liked that too.
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Anonymous said...

That's pretty neat with the pinning.

Sabrina said...

Congrats Jesse! Great pics Di! I see a army LO coming on at some point down the road... :)

Mom Jones said...

Good job, Jesse! Wonderful pictures, Diana :) Whew! I miss you guys very badly. I feel better when you post and I can see pictures of all of you -- it lessens the ache in my heart a little bit at least . . .

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how red Emma's hair looks from the picture.