Finally we make it to Ft Bliss and try to enter a gate. I see them talking to Jesse and telling him to turn around and go.... So I follow and we get to another gate, same thing. Third gate, at least this time we are only directed to go over to a building just outside. We need to go in and get 1 day passes to just get on base. Now, when Jesse's car broke down I was kinda freaking out and grabbing things thinking we were going to have to leave it behind. Well one thing I grabbed happened to be his registration. Of course it was a needed item and do you think I could remember where I put it, of course not. We ended up getting the passes thankfully (I later found the resgistation a couple days later, in his boot which I had also grabbed from his car). So we head off to housing.
We got everything signed for, stopped for a quick lunch and met our housing agent at the house.
There is no carpet in these homes and we just were going to let that be so we picked up one for the front room at least. Here are a few more pictures of the inside. These were all taken before our stuff arrived. And since we only took so much with us, like kids toys for instance, some new items were bought to fill in for the meantime (each of the kids got a new toy;)).
Living Room
Dinning Room
Laundry Room
First Bathroom
Boys' Room
Emma's Room
Master Bedroom
Master Bath
Ok, so those pictures were taken after we were here a couple of days. Bad me forgot to take some as soon as we got here. You can tell because the first night Jesse and I slept on the air mattress and the kids had sleeping bags. It was the next day we went and rented a bed and then the kids got the sleep on the air mattress together. Once I finishing off unpacking everything and getting it all just so, I plan putting up virtual tours, or so I hope.
How nice to see pictures of your house! It looks nice and spacious! The aerial map we have of the base shows Lutes Circle and four houses at the end of the road -- which of the four houses is yours? We can see that you are about 1/2 mile off two runways! How exciting for the little ones . . . speaking of which, I am missing them very much. More pictures of them would be wonderful for this old grandma's lonely heart . . .
Your new place looks really nice. So what's it like with out your stuff and having to improvise? Not fun huh? We hope to hear more from you later!
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