Monday, October 01, 2007

Oh for the Love of Trains

I apologize for not getting my blogs all up to date. Although I thought you all might get a kick out of our newest toy. Just one of my great finds. It is mainly Matt's as I am not quite sure of its wt limit. Be sure to check out the little video at the end;)

Emma didn't get a chance to ride it yet. In fact when she came home from school she took a nap. She really wasn't feeling well. Poor baby will probably be staying home from school tomorrow as she was feverish.


Mom Jones said...

Matthew looks so happy on his train! :)

I'm sorry to hear Emma is sick and feverish. Please give her hugs and kisses from her Grandma Jones.

Anonymous said...

HI: What a great toy? Looks like
it just hits the spot with Matt.
Christopher looks happy and excited
too. Emma probably has what the
boys had. Hope you all are feeling
better in a few more days. Tell the kids we love each and every one
of them and mommy and daddy too.

Mom Jones said...

Grandpa Jones saw the train video and couldn't stop smiling! :)

Sabrina said...

Give Emma some hugs and kisses from Aunt Bree and tell her I hope she feels better soon!

I love that train! I had to make sure I watched the video when Jackson wasn't around so that he wouldn't get jealous. Great find!

Diana said...

I knew all the fellow train lovers would like it. I bought it off another military wife. I paid just $8 for it.

Anonymous said...

Great train. Wish I had one big enough for me to ride. Tell the kids Boppa is jealous.

Kisses to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Emma! We can be sick buddies in a long distance way. I've almost gone through a whole box of tissues! Get well!

~Aunt Emily

Jan Scholl said...

Can one of the kids take a ride for me? I lay in bed and listen to the trains going thru uptown. We had the Polar Express go thru this week (the movie animation was based on a local train from Owosso)

trains sound so sad at night.