Christopher James Pahman
November 29, 2003
8lbs 2oz

Christopher you are such a sweet boy and we are just amazed at how grown up you are getting. It is so hard to believe you are 4 already. Wherever did the time go?!? Although Daddy couldn't be with you for this birthday, he loves you with all his heart. I am so happy for both of you that you were able to connect tonight via webcam so Daddy could see you and tell you Happy Birthday Big Guy, and you were able to see him as well.
We love you Christopher! So thankful you are our son!!

And Christopher, it looks like you did it! You are officially potty trained by age 4! Way to go Big Guy!!
November 29, 2003
8lbs 2oz

Christopher you are such a sweet boy and we are just amazed at how grown up you are getting. It is so hard to believe you are 4 already. Wherever did the time go?!? Although Daddy couldn't be with you for this birthday, he loves you with all his heart. I am so happy for both of you that you were able to connect tonight via webcam so Daddy could see you and tell you Happy Birthday Big Guy, and you were able to see him as well.
We love you Christopher! So thankful you are our son!!
And Christopher, it looks like you did it! You are officially potty trained by age 4! Way to go Big Guy!!
I had never seen that little newborn picture of Christopher before -- it's beautiful. I'm so glad he got to see and talk to Jesse on his birthday! :)
HI Christopher: Grandpa and I are
so happy you are our grandson and
Uncle David's nephew. Boy, are we
proud that you are potty trained and
can wear big boy pants. We love
you all the time.
Happy Birthday Chris!
Diana-what color are Chris' eyes? They look green in that last picture. What beautiful girl attracting eyes, be careful!
Happy Birthday Chris! I am so glad that you had such a funny 4th birthday. Enjoy your new Mater and your new pajamas.
They grow so very fast!
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