The kids went to daycare for a couple hours on Wednesday so I could get a few things done easier. When I picked them up, Emma and Chris had made a project while they were there.
"They're chickens mom." Said Emma.
"Oh, but I think they might be turkeys sweetie." Says Mom, "After all, it is Thanksgiving tomorrow."
"Oh yeah, turkeys." said Emma.
I like the chickens. (They look smaller than turkeys --- might even be Cornish Hens)
I was good to see you and Emma last night.
I like your turkeys, Christopher and Emma -- good job! It's always fun to make stuff like this around the holidays. :)
Great job on the chicken/turkeys
Christopher and Emma. What a great
thing to make for Thanksgivig. We
miss your art work for our refrigerator. Remember, tell momma
you can make turkeys drawing around
your hand. The thumb is the head
and the other fingers are the feathers. Then you put the face and
feet on. Love you and Matthew, and
momma and daddy with all our hearts.
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