Yeah, we had a lot of great food! And some great people to spend time with. One thing that is nice about being military. If you are far from home and loved ones, the military comes together and becomes our own family.
We had lot of fun! Ate a few different times, main course and desert. We also played some games. The kids all played great together. Which is pretty good for having 8 kids together, ok one was a baby but still. We ended up getting home around 11PM. I put the kids right to bed and was able to tell Jesse all about it online.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We missed you Jesse!!
Wow -- that is one tasty-looking 22-pound turkey, Diana. I'm glad you guys were able to get together with friends and have a good time. We missed all of you here with us, but we still had much to be thankful for ... :) Nice pictures, Diana!
Hey, honey good picture of you in the
snow, too. You look good. What a
feast. The turkey and all the
food looks so. Kinda drooling here
just looking at it. Great pictures
of you and the kids; can't believe
how much they've grown. You look so
pretty. I agree you've got some
good family there. What a great
cook you've become. It was a
quieter table at Thanksgiving here
and you all were missed for sure.
We prayed for you all and Jesse.
Love, and God Bless
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