Monday, August 06, 2007

Jesse's BBQ

As much as I hate saying it right now, I hosted a "going away" BBQ for Jesse on July 29. I thought it would be something this mom would enjoy as well so I made sure we had it while they were here. This way, she was able to meet some of our friends. Jesse had invited some of the guys from his unit, but since block leave had started for most, a lot were away with their own families.

A big thanks to our friend Jennifer (the one in the blue top) for bringing chips for the party! In addition, we served up hotdogs, hamburgers and chicken legs. All made on the grill by my wonderful husband, Jesse and our friend DJ (Jennifer's husband).

And yes, it did get a bit hairy at times. But that is what happens when you add 6 more kids into the mix:) Which btw, our kids just love!

I hope you had fun at your BBQ Jesse! We love you!!!


Sabrina said...

Ditto that! I love you too Jes. And Di and all the kids too! I LOVE YOU ALL!

Mom Jones said...

Thanks for doing the BBQ when we were there so that we could meet some of your friends! :)

Jan Scholl said...

since you all are stuffed to the gills-go over to feedburner and add an email feed for us to get updates from you.

how were those chips, by the way? I love salty foods but only eat them when I am out-never at home. I need some chips now!! I have hummus and celery-not much fun I think.

Anonymous said...

That BBQ looked good. I wish we
could have been there . But we're
glad you did it for Jess. Food
looks good. As for it being hairy
with 6 kids, it's can be that way with just your three, huh.